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Eric's Test

Eric's Test was a test in Saw II.

After having Eric's son, Daniel, kidnapped and placed in the Nerve Gas House by Jigsaw, Detective Eric Matthews discovered Jigsaw's lair, and with the help of the S.W.A.T. Team, attempted to make Jigsaw give up the whereabouts of the house. Jigsaw proposed a deal, stating all Eric has to do is simply listen and he would get his son returned to him. Though Eric was patient and listened for a while, he grew of tired of this and instead resorted to brutality.

After beating Jigsaw almost to death, Jigsaw ended the game, and took Matthews to the house. Eric entered the house, only to find his son was not inside. It was then revealed that Daniel was actually back in the factory where Eric first found Jigsaw, locked in a timed safe and supplied with oxygen. The video feeds of the events which took place in the house were actually a recording of hours before, when the house test was taking place. Eric needed only to keep his patience and Daniel would have been released to him, only a few feet away from where he was sitting.

After entering the Bathroom, Eric was attacked by Amanda Young who donned a pig mask as she crept out of the bathtub and jabbed a syringe into him, knocking him out. When he awakened, he was chained to a pipe. Amanda then appeared in the doorway and closed it, leaving Eric in the dark with the corpses of Xavier Chavez, Adam Stanheight and Lawrence Gordon's decaying foot.

Though it was revealed that Eric managed to escape the bathroom by breaking his foot with the toilet tank cover. Matthews then confronted Amanda in the hallway. Believing he had learned nothing from his test, Amanda fought him, kicked him in the broken foot and left him to die in the hallway. While Amanda was walking away, Eric taunted and mocked her. Amanda, in turn, walked over to Eric and implied that she had murdered him.

Though it was revealed that Eric was dragged into a holding cell by a masked person and was supplied with food and a brace for his broken foot for six months. The reasoning behind Hoffman's actions was to use him in Daniel Rigg's Trials.
